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Australian scientists invent a new additive can delay the ageing of the plastic

時間:2014/11/4 14:56:12   From:   View:1749

  Australian scientists have invented a new material, can through the process of ageing could he slowed down to strengthen cellular plastics.

  From Australia's commonwealth scientific and industrial research organization (CSIRO) Matthew Hill said, this is called the porous structure of aromatic material (PAF), its role as a dose of collagen, can delay the aging of the plastic.

  PAF, he says, is a kind of white powder, added to the polymer blend, can prolong the service life of porous products.

  Super glass polymer is a porous, permeable material, after joining PAF, permeability becomes not so quickly. "CSIRO has collected the data of 500 days, those plastic still did a good job." Hill said.

  New material science papers published PAF said the lead author of the Sam Lau, can realize the effect mainly depends on the plastic material that only 1 in nanometres wide hole, probably is a tiny part of the width of human hair.

  "For decades, scientists have been trying to through the adoption of large aperture of the plastic to improve processing. But this kind of plastic ageing faster."

  Lau said, PAF make larger aperture inside is feasible in the industry, can significantly reduce costs, improve efficiency.

  PAF "like Hollywood dramatic transformation, and in fact to freeze the larger porous structure, lasts for up to one year."

  Lau said, the raw material used for separation technology, such as gas, liquid and solid, the energy consumption is very big. But using the CSIRO PAF in the polymer, can make the separation process speed up 50 times.

  CSIRO is looking for a suitable industry partners to increase output of PAF, but Hill said not yet signed the agreement.

  PAF is the price of a $10 / kg (us $8.76 / kg), but "just join the mixture of 5% amount can prevent plastic ageing, so actually, it's only 44 cents per kg price." Hill said.

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